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There are other ways of writing it, however none of them are simplifications While there isn't a simplification of ((2n)!)/(n!), there are other ways of expressing it For example ((2n)!)/(n!) = prod_(k=0)^(n1)(2nk) = (2n)(2n1)(n1) This follows directly from the definition of the factorial function and canceling common factors from the numerator and denominator2n n also converges Question 8 The goal of this problem is to compute the value of the in nite sum S = X1 n=1 n 2n = 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 (and in particular to show that it converges, which strengthens the result of question 7(a) above) (a) De ne a new sequence (x n)1 n=1 whose terms are given by (x n) 1≥ 2 k for some k ≥ 4, then ( k 1)!

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