Now you can set how much someone gains for every $/€/ someone donates under the currency system If you wish for the bot to post an in chat notification then go to Notifications and enable the Streamlabs Donate Notification Step 5 Enable Chatbot pages on your Streamlabs Tipping PagePayment confirmation in the Vipps app The green "Betalt" bubble shows that the payment was successful Success Confirmation of the successful Vipps donation User is redirected to /fallback/{orderId} in frontend; · Streamlabs Game Overlay is completely customizable Set the position of the chatbox and recent events to your liking Customize the opacity of the overlay to remain unobtrusive to the game, and set hotkeys to adjust the positioning of the overlays while you are broadcasting You have the option to make the overlay visible or invisible to viewers depending on how you choose
Streamlabs Obs How To Setup Donations Youtube